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  • Writer's pictureJessySchumacher

Beli - Multi Vitamins for Men & Women to Help Increase Chances for Conception & a Healthy Pregnancy

If you are like me and are preparing to start your family sometime in the near future, it's never too early to start thinking about and planning on how to achieve that. One big decision that comes with wanting to start your family is what prenatal vitamins you will use throughout your pregnancy.

Well….look no further!! Beli has you covered!

Beli not only offers prenatal vitamins for women to use during pregnancy, but they also offer multi vitamins for men to help in boosting reproductive health to aid in conception.

Let me introduce you to all of the benefits of Beli for Men and Women to give you a better idea as to how beneficial these could be in increasing your chances of conception, a healthy pregnancy, and, most importantly, a healthy little life….because that's the overall goal, right!?

Benefits of Beli for Women - Prenatal Multi Vitamin:

  • Boosts fertility & egg quality

  • Supports all stages of pregnancy, from pre-conception through pregnancy & post-baby

  • Gentle on momma’s tummy to help reduce morning sickness

  • Helps maintain healthy energy throughout pregnancy & postpartum

  • Supports bone density for momma & baby

  • Supports labor & delivery

  • Contains Methylated folate & B vitamins for increased absorption & healthy fetal development

  • Contains current recommended levels of choline to support baby’s brain and spinal cord development (aka neural tube development), help prevent birth defects, and is often an overlooked nutrient in other prenatal vitamins

These prenatal vitamins are perfect to use as a multivitamin to nourish and prepare your body to be the healthiest it can be to conceive, grow, and welcome a new little life. It’s perfect to take even after pregnancy to assist in recovery and with breastfeeding.

Benefits of Beli for Men - Vitality Multi Vitamin:

  • Increases sperm count

  • Protects sperm while they grow

  • Boosts fertility & improves sperm quality

  • Helps sperm swim quicker

  • Improves egg penetration

  • Balances acid-alkaline in the body to help sperm survive and work properly

  • Boosts energy

  • Improves cellular health

  • Gives sperm the strength to succeed in the race to fertilize an egg

These prenatal multivitamins for men provide the most effective nutrients needed for reproductive and sperm health in men. They are very beneficial for men to take prior to trying to have babies since a man's health prior to conception could have a big impact on fertility and the baby's health.

I absolutely love what Beli stands for in helping couples in their pregnancy journeys. I love that they are backed by science and are aware of all of the specific nutrients that both men and women need in order to better their overall fertility health to improve their chances of conception and in having a healthy pregnancy and baby. They support not only the baby's health, but the health of the father and mother during the entire process.

I'm confident that my husband and I will be using Beli during our pregnancy journey in the near future! I have so much peace of mind in knowing that we have found an amazing product that will help us achieve that goal when the time comes because of all of the incredible benefits that Beli has to offer.

If you are just as interested in trying out Beli, I have a discount code that you can use for 15% off your purchase: JESSY15.

Love Always,

Jessy Marie

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