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Staying True to Who You Are in a World Full of Comparison

We all go through life trying to figure out who we are. We discover what our likes and dislikes are. We discover what our fears are. We discover our interests and the things that make our hearts soar. We go through school trying to figure out the career we want to pursue and what we want to do for the rest of our life. Our whole youth and into adulthood is about figuring out who we truly are —what makes us who we are.

There are so many things that shape us and try to influence who we become. We’re influenced by other people and by our situations and environment. Some people want us to be a certain way in order to please them, so they influence us to be like them or do what they would do. Other times we see how other people are and how they’re living life and we like what we see, so we want to try to be like them and have what they have. Therefore, we allow ourselves to be influenced by them with our own desires to be like them.

But here’s the thing. We shouldn’t allow others to shape us. We shouldn’t allow ourselves to want to be like anyone else. We were all created to be unique. God didn’t make us all the same for a reason. He wanted each of us to have our own unique purpose in life, with our own gifts and talents.

How incredible it is to know that there is nobody else that is exactly like you. You are your own unique person. You have your own destiny and purpose in life that is different from every other person.

So here’s my piece of advice, and it's pretty simple and straight forward: Don’t try to be like anyone other than yourself. Just be who you are and who you were meant to be. If you stay true to who you are, you’ll discover what your niche is and who God created you to be.

It’s time to cherish the things that make you different from every other person on this earth. So go ahead and like what you want to like, and dream what you want to dream. Be proud of the things that make you who you are. Don’t be afraid to show others who you truly are…no matter what!

You shouldn’t say or do things just to get the approval of others or make them believe you’re someone else because you think they’ll like you better if you do. You don’t have to go through life agreeing with everything or going along with the things that are not true to who you are. You can have your own opinions and like different things. That’s what makes you unique and sets you apart from others.

Isn’t it so much better to go through life knowing that people like you for you and not someone you’re pretending to be? Just be who you are, show the world who you really are, share your truth, and don’t be afraid to not get the approval from everyone you come in contact with. Because you won’t. You just won’t!

You really shouldn’t care what others think about you and about what you feel you are led to do. Not everyone is going to like you for you, or agree with your choices and the path you are embarking on. And you know what? That’s perfectly okay. That’s why they’re not a part of your life or your close-knit circle. That’s why they’re not the ones who are meant to be apart of the life God designed for you. If you stay true to who you are, the right kinds of people and friends for you will come along. The ones who appreciate all of who you are. The ones that love you for you and allow you to be yourself without judgements.

So often we want to do things because it’s the popular choice or because it’s working great for someone else, so we want to try it out for ourselves. We want to be like someone else or have what they have, or just fit in with the crowd all together. That’s all part of the comparison game we have to try hard to steer clear of.

We were all created differently and we were all created to be our own unique selves, set apart from any other person. So why do we try so hard to be like everyone else? Why do we strive to have what she has, or do what he does?

Just please don't do it. Don't wish to be like anyone else. You have so much to offer the world just by being who you already are —who God created you to be. Don't change to conform to any standards of this world.

I encourage you to find out who you truly are and to not be afraid to show others that person. I also encourage you to learn to be confident in that person you are. There's so much joy and peace that comes when you can truly be yourself and happy with who you are. The more confident you are, the harder it will be for you to ever waver from the person God created you to be, and you’ll have the power to stay true to who you are in every situation life throws at you. So embrace the person that you are and the things that set you apart.

When you can embrace all of who you are, that’s when you’ll be able to do amazing things and influence the world around you for the good.

Love Always,

Jessy Marie

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