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  • Writer's pictureJessySchumacher

Because He Lives

I hope you all had a wonderful Easter with your families while in quarantine! It was the first Easter that I wasn't able to spend it with my church family, which was a little sad and felt strange to not be at church for Easter, but despite all of that, it was actually one of my favorite Easters! It was nice getting to sleep in, not having to get "church ready", wearing comfy clothes all day, watching the church service online and worshiping with my family in the comfort of our own home, and spending lots of quality time with my family for my last Easter at home before I get married and start a family of my own. It was a relaxing and fun Easter getting to celebrate the resurrection of our Savior, Jesus Christ!

I wanted to write this post to spread the good news and remind you all that you are loved more than you could ever imagine. We just celebrated Easter, the day that we remember the greatest day in history. The day Jesus defeated death after paying the ultimate sacrifice for our sins, all because He loves us so much that He wants us to spend eternity with Him one day. It's hard to wrap my brain around how much pain, suffering, and ridicule Jesus endured in order to bring hope to all of mankind. And that's exactly what He did. He provided us with the hope for eternity with Him where there will be no more pain or suffering and we'll be reunited with our loved ones again in Heaven. There is honestly no greater gift!

I don't know what you have gone through in life or what battles you are currently facing, but I just want you to know that you are loved far more than you could ever imagine. You are never alone because God is with you every step of the way in everything that comes your way. He gave us His only son because he chooses you. He forgives you. He wants to be a part of your life more than anything. He longs for you to except Him into your heart forever.

You may be hesitant because you feel that you don't deserve God's love or grace, but in reality, none of us do. That's a natural feelings. We are all sinners, and are therefore unworthy of Jesus' sacrifice. The good news, however, is that Jesus died anyway...for you! He looks at each and everyone of us and says, "You are worth it." There is joy and peace in knowing that you can face anything and everything that comes your way because Jesus lives.

If you ever have moments where you feel unloved or unimportant (and trust me...we all have moments like that), just remind yourself of what Jesus did for YOU on that cross. He endured the worst possible death for YOU. He defeated death so that YOU could have hope. He paved the way for YOU to live with Him in Heaven for all eternity if you accept Him as the Savior of your life. All because He loves YOU! You are the most important thing to Him. Never forget your worth and that you belong to the Father of the universe.

Jesus is our greatest hope. We can face tomorrow, because He lives!

Love Always,

Jessy Marie

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