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Choosing Encouragement Despite Circumstances

We all have good days and bad days. We all have days where we feel down and unmotivated, not wanting to face tomorrow for any number of reasons. There are also days that are some of the best days due to special times and big events in our lives. That is the circle of life. Often our circumstances, especially the bad ones, are out of our control. But do you want to know what is always in your control?...The way that you choose to react to your circumstances, whether good or bad, and the way you choose to treat others during it.

You have such an impact on other peoples' lives, probably more than you realize, based on the way you choose to treat them. The question is, what kind of impact do you want to have? Do you want to have a positive impact on others, or a negative impact?

God calls us to be an encouragement to treat everyone with kindness and respect. He calls us to lift each other up, not tear each other down, and to be there for one another through all of life's moments....through the good times and the bad times, and everything in between. He calls us to be happy for others during their "happy days", regardless of what kind of day you are having. He doesn't want us to be envious of other peoples' circumstances, but to be content in our own.

"Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen." Ephesians 4:29

Kindness can honestly change everything. Something as simple as an encouraging word can make all the difference in somebody's day. I don't know about you, but I would so much rather be the reason for the smile on somebody's face, instead of the reason that might've put them over the edge. You can be the person that helps them carry on and achieve all that they are meant to. It really doesn't require much effort at all to be a positive influence in someone's life for the better.

If you are someone whose love language is words of affirmation, like me, then you know how meaningful compliments and encouraging words can be, especially on the hard days. Words of affirmation are how I feel loved and filled up, but regardless of what your love language is, no matter who you are, everyone needs encouragement every once in a while. Everyone deserves to feel loved, important, and special as much as possible.

You never know what someone may be dealing with. They could be having the hardest day, and because you chose to reach out to them out of the blue with an encouraging message or text, you made that day so much more bearable for them because they felt like somebody cared about them. That makes all the difference in the world!

"Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." Proverbs 16:24

Life can also be so bland at times. Everyone gets into a rut of doing the same thing from day to day, and it can be so hard to feel valued and appreciated when life gets busy and you see the same people everyday and do the same thing day in and day out. But life can be so much more interesting and exciting if we reached out to one another more often. Text a family member or friend you don't get to see very often. Let them know you miss them and value them. Send a random message to someone you really care about, even if you see them a lot. It means a lot to hear words of encouragement from the people who are the closest to you. It's especially meaningful to receive thoughtful words from the people in your life who you consider to be the closest people to you when you're going through a hard time, because you know that they know you're going through a difficult season, and it means so much more when they show you that they really care and are there for you no matter what.

Just like it's very helpful to hear encouragement when you're struggling, it's also very meaningful to hear encouragement and well wishes during the best times. When you've experienced a very special milestone or exciting time in your life, it can mean so much to hear that others are happy for your accomplishments too, especially the people you look up to and love the most. No matter what you may be going through in life...if you're having a bad day....if you're going through a challenging season in life....if you've received bad news recently....never stop being there for others. Never stop being happy for others. Everyone needs rejoicing and praise in the happy times, just like we desperately need uplifting during the hard times. I know it can be hard to be happy for others during their exciting times in life when it feels like your world may be falling apart and you desperately want to have what they have, and to experience what they are feeling. You want to be happy too, just like they are, but I want to challenge you to nip that envy in the bud! Put the jealousy aside and allow yourself to be happy for others. We all go through challenging times, some harder than others, but your happy times are coming, and you'll want everyone to be happy for you and feel the same excitement back when it does come. Don't let your feelings and circumstances keep you from showing the same love and support that someone else deserves.

"Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others." Philippians 2:3-4

It feels good to help others. It feels good to be there for others in all of lifes' moments. Showing others that you care about them could also be the thing/interaction that you needed, that lifts you up when you're down...So why not do it more often? Be a blessing in someone's life, and you'll ultimately be blessed right back. God is smiling down on you every time, and I do mean every time, you are genuinely there for someone else, every time you build someone up when they're down, every time you say an encouraging word to someone, every time you rejoice with someone in the good times, every time you genuinely choose to be happy for others despite your own circumstances, and ever time you choose kindness and to be an encourager for Him.

"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing." 1 Thessalonians 5:11

I challenge you, today, to send an encouraging and thoughtful text to a loved one out of the blue and tell them how much you love and value them. Do it weekly, and see the blessings that stem from it. I also challenge you, for the rest of your lives, to always put others first. I encourage you to always be an encouragement to others no matter what comes your way. Be bold. Be brave. Be the bigger person when obstacles arise and you feel like others aren't deserving of your love and encouragement, because maybe they haven't been there for you when you needed them. Despite the hurt feelings and past grudges you may be holding onto, let them go and give them encouragement anyway. Maybe they just need to see that someone cares about them and loves them in spite of everything. Show the love of Christ to everyone you come in contact with. You will have such a positive impact on peoples' lives, whether you know it or not. (( Let them see Him in you! ))

Be an encourager for Christ!

Love Always,

Jessy Marie

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