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  • Writer's pictureJessySchumacher

How I’m Coping With All of the Uncertainty

There’s so much uncertainty at this time due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s definitely been hard for everyone and we've all been affected by it in some way or another, and some more than others. But through it all, I believe we need to continue to count our blessings and be grateful for what we have. I’ve definitely had my share of challenges through this time, and I’d like to share how I’ve been coping with it all, through all of the uncertainty, in order to maybe be of some encouragement to you during this time if you’re someone who's been struggling.

To give you some background about me. - I’ve been in school the last 6 years pursuing my degree in physical therapy. After February of this year, I was officially done with all of my classes and coursework on campus. All I had left to complete was two clinical rotations (18 weeks total), participate in my graduation ceremony to be hooded with my doctorate of Physical Therapy in May (which was to take place in between my last two remaining clinical rotations), and then to sit for my boards in July to hopefully get my license, all before officially being done with all-things-school! I also got engaged in August of 2019 (checkout my engagement story blog post if you haven’t already😉) and am now in the process of planning my wedding for September of 2020. It’s a busy year full of change for me.

I was really looking forward to being done with school soon, finally graduating after 6 years of hard work, having my big moment of putting on my cap and gown and walking across that stage at graduation with all of my classmates, getting to plan our wedding and prepare for married life with my best friend, and getting to go on our dream honeymoon together, for the first time alone on a special vacation.

Once COVID-19 came into full swing and lockdown began in March, I had just started my first week of my second to last clinical experience. After the second week of being at my clinical site, I was released from my clinical experience until things with the pandemic got better and were safe enough for students to return. It was difficult not to know when I’d be able to return to my clinicals with my boards exam and the wedding coming up. I didn’t want to get behind and drag everything out, but I understood that this was in order to keep everyone safe during the COVID-19 outbreak, and I’d rather be inconvenienced than put others at risk.

Due to the pandemic, 5 weeks were removed from our required clinical hours needed in order to graduate, which was a bit of a relief because I wouldn’t be put as far behind as I thought I was going to be. Also, due to clinicals getting all messed up because of the pandemic, I then had the difficult decision of either waiting to go back to the clinical I was released from and finish out there (which was my pediatric rotation that I got to choose because I love kids), or moving onto my 4th clinical rotation (my Neuro clinical that was willing to start me on time despite the pandemic) and finishing out my hours there. It was a very difficult decision for me because I didn't want to keep waiting around with the uncertainty of when I could go back and finish up, but I wanted as much experience in the pediatric setting, since that is my passion as a future PT.

I ended up choosing to wait and go back to my pediatric clinical site in order to better prepare me for the future in the field I eventually want to work in one day. I felt in my heart that that was the decision God was leading me to choose in order to better prepare me for my future.

With that decision, however, it doesn’t make this time right now any easier. It’s May, and I’m currently still waiting with the uncertainty of when I can go back to my clinical site to finish up my clinical experience. Last Saturday was supposed to be my graduation day where I would’ve had my proud moment and been recognized for receiving my DPT (Doctor of Physical Therapy) degree. I would’ve celebrated with all of my family, friends, and classmates, but it was all canceled due to the pandemic. With my clinicals being pushed back so far (I still have at least 11 weeks that I still have to complete), I may not be allowed to sit for my boards exam in July since I will not have completed all of my clinical hours by then, and the next available date is not until the end of October, which is after the wedding and our 3-wk honeymoon (definitely not ideal). It has also been really hard to plan the wedding with everything going on and all of the uncertainty of whether there will be restrictions at that time with the amount of guests allowed. It’s also hard to plan for bridal showers and the bachelor/bachelorette parties with all of the uncertainty, which should be very special events, but it’s been hard to look forward to all of it as a bride because I don’t know if it will even be allowed to happen. We’re even uncertain if our honeymoon will happen at this point.

This has definitely been a difficult time, as it has been for so many people with so many plans being changed. You can see how all of this could make me want to sit in my own little pity party all throughout quarantine, but throughout all of the disappointments and uncertainty, I’ve chosen to stay optimistic and make the most of my circumstances. It’s been nice to chill out and get things done. I’ve been doing my best to wedding plan what I can and come up with a backup plan if needed. I’ve had more time to study and prepare for my boards exam. I’ve chosen to still receive my cap and gown for graduation so that I can recreate my own little graduation ceremony and still have my little moment of getting to be recognized and celebrated for my hard work in earning my doctorate degree. I’ve chosen to wait it out until I can go back to my clinical that will best prepare me for my future career. It’s all about looking at a new perspective and making the most of everything.

There are blessings everywhere, big and small. You just have to look for them. Find the beauty and blessings in everyday. I am blessed because I’m healthy and have continued to stay healthy throughout quarantine. I’m blessed because I’m still getting married, even if the wedding isn’t going to happen as originally planned. It'll be a special day no matter what because I get to start my life with the person God created just for me. I’m blessed because I still have the opportunity to go back to “my choice” clinical rotation in pediatrics, that I absolutely adore. I’m blessed because I graduated and will officially have my degree soon. I have so much to be thankful for.

I can remain optimistic and happy because my God has a plan for my life. Through all of my uncertainty about the future, He is my certainty. He has my life already planned out. He knows everything that will happen and will be my strength throughout the journey. He is a God Who is just, Who is sovereign, Who loves more than is humanly possible, and Who will never forsake us.

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

Even though things aren’t going as planned for how I thought 2020 would go, with it being the biggest year of my life, I know, because I have faith and hope in my God, that He will make everything beautiful in time and better than I probably could’ve ever imagined. Because that’s what He does! Time and time again! Knowing that my Heavenly Father will take care of me, give me all of the desires of my heart, and provide for all of my needs if I continue to always rely on Him, gives me so much peace, even through all of the uncertainty.

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

I didn‘t share my struggles and How I’ve been affected by COVID-19 with you all in order to get sympathy. We’re all been affected by it and I know there are people who have had it way worse than I have. My problems seem so minute compared to what some people are experiencing. My purpose of sharing this with all of you is to hopefully bring about some encouragement in case you’re really struggling. You are not alone! There’s an Almighty God who loves you and wants the best for you. Lean into Him during this time. Rely on Him to give you the peace and discernment you need throughout all of life.💖

I have been able to remain happy and optimistic through this time because of the hope I have through Christ. It doesn’t mean I haven’t had bad days or won’t have bad days in the future. I’ve definitely had my fair share of good and bad days during this quarantine. The difference is that I don’t allow myself to dwell on the negativity, all the uncertainty, the sadness of what could’ve been, the disappointment in plans changing. When I have moments where my anxiety and fear take over, the times when it feels like the Enemy is putting doubts in my mind and bitterness in my heart, I put on my boxing gloves and fight back! That’s when I turn to my Heavenly Father for help and lean on Him even more to help fight my battles. Don’t ever feel like you have to fight your battles on your own, because you don’t have to. Give them to God. Ask Him for help. I promise you that He CAN and WILL get you through anything and everything that comes your way!

”May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.“ Romans 15:13

Now let me ask you....How will you cope with all of the uncertainty in the days to come?

Love Always,

Jessy Marie

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