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  • Writer's pictureJessySchumacher

Instilling a Passion for Jesus

A question that has been on my mind a lot lately is, how do we instill a passion and get people excited about Jesus and God's amazing story? How do we spread God's message to those who don't know Him so that they want to search Him and know more about Him?

In answering these questions, I think a very important aspect is being vulnerable and open with others. It's important to let others in. The more we're open with others, the more comfortable others will be in sharing their life stories and struggles with you. The more vulnerable and real we are with them, the more they'll trust what we're saying and doing, and the more they'll learn about God from us.

We need to let them see Jesus through us. And that's by being real with others. We need to share the blessings God has done in our lives. We need to share the struggles and hard times with others as well, and how God has gotten us through it. We also need to be good examples in how God expects us to act and treat others. That is how others will see the work of God in our lives, and ultimately see who He is.

"Let them know that it is your hand, that you, Lord, have done it." Psalm 109:27

People who don't know Him need to know and learn of His goodness. We need to share as much of the good news of Christ as we can, because He's everything. We need to share stories and testimonies with others and allow them to see that we are all sinners and fall short of His glory, but we are forgiven and loved regardless because of Jesus' sacrifice on the cross. No one should ever feel like they aren't good enough to receive God's grace and blessings, and it's our job and mission as Christians to make that known to them.

"For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." Romans 3:23

We need to get excited about Jesus and His message. We need to let others see our praises and worship for our Heavenly Father. We need to invite friends to church, share our favorite podcasts about faith, share our favorite bible verses or devotionals and what they mean to us, and share our favorite worship songs and artists. We need to serve in our church and community by using our gifts that God has given us. We need to get creative and use our platforms for good and with the purpose of bringing other's to Him...because isn't that the overall mission here on Earth? bring as many people to Him as we can, so that we can all live and worship together in Heaven one day? God wants you to be in Heaven one day. He wants as many of His children in Heaven with Him as possible.

When we find what we're good at and what God is calling us to do/be for Him (aka His plan for our lives), we have found what we are passionate about for Him. We have found our passion for Jesus and our drive to lead others to Him and share His amazing, life changing message with those who don't know Him or need to be reminded of His goodness. When we are passionate and excited, people will feed off of that and also find a passion in what you are saying. They will find a newfound passion in Christ. And that is an amazing thing!

"In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven." Matthew 5:16

Love Always,

Jessy Marie

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