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  • Writer's pictureJessySchumacher

My First Blog Post! Ever!

Hey everyone! My name is Jessica Marie Neumeister, but I often go by Jess or Jessy! I am so excited to start this journey with blogging. This is the first blog I've ever done. I feel in my heart that God is calling me to start this blog in order to be an encouragement to others and be a light for Him. He has put this on my heart for a while now. It is something I've thought about doing, but never followed through on because of how busy I've been with graduate school. God's timing is perfect though, and I think the timing right now is perfect to start this. I will be graduating from graduate school with my DPT (Doctor of Physical Therapy) degree soon and due to being in quarantine because of the COVID-19 pandemic, I have a lot of extra time on my hands...perfect to start this blogging journey. :) Although I am slightly nervous to start this, to be vulnerable and put my life out there for everyone to read, I know it will be worth it if I am able to bring any bit of encouragement to others while also doing something I love. I love getting to be creative and expressing myself through pictures and experiences. I think this is the perfect platform for me!

On this blog, I plan on sharing big life events as a way for me to document my life and have memories to look back on. I am currently engaged to my best friend and we will be getting married this year in September. I will also be graduating, hopefully getting my DPT license, and starting my career before too long. A lot of change will be happening for me soon, and I want to be able to share every step along the way with you all. I also plan on sharing experiences that have shaped me into the person I am today. I will be sharing a lot about my faith and how God has worked and proved himself faithful in my life. He has done amazing things and I have faith He will continue doing so for the rest of my life. I also plan on sharing about things I love and am passionate about. I would definitely consider myself a girly girl who loves fashion and clothing, jewelry, all things beauty, and I am very into nailart and creating my own designs, so I will definitely be sharing some of those things on here as well.

My overall mission on this blog is to spread positivity, love, and encouragement to others. I want to be a light for Jesus through this blog, and allow Him to use me in order to share His love, so that those who do not know Him, will know Him! I pray that I can encourage others to follow their dreams, to always be kind to everyone, and to allow God to do wonderful things through them.

Thank you for allowing me to start this journey and taking the time to support this new dream of mine!

Love Always,

Jessy Marie

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