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Trusting in the One Who Holds Your Future

I don’t know about you, but God definitely uses music to speak to me.

I have really been loving this song recently. The lyrics speak just what I’m going through and striving to do better...put all my trust in Him. Let these lyrics wash over you as I give you a message you may really need to hear in this moment right here, right now.

In You I rest, in You I found my hope

In You I trust, You never let me go

I place my life within Your hands alone

Be still, my soul

-"Be Still My Soul (In You I Rest)" by Kari Jobe

It's definitely not an easy task to let down our guard and trust with our whole heart. We don't know what our future holds. We don't want to fail or fall short in what we've been working so hard to achieve. We don't want to let our self or others down. We all have fears that can cripple us at times. It's all human nature. But what if I told you that you don't have to worry about your future or have it all figured out?

We have a God that holds our future in His hands. He knows every part of our existence on this earth and has a specific plan and purpose for every single one of our lives. We don't know what tomorrow will bring, but our God does. He has every bit of our lives already planned out. All we have to do is remain faithful and trust that He will take care of us.

In this season of my life, I can honestly say that I have my fair share of worries and fears right now with all of the changes that will be soon taking place in my life, such as passing my boards exam to get my physical therapy license, getting married, moving out of each of our parents' homes, being completely out on our own for the first time ever, buying a house, and being financially stable on our own. All of these things have made me pretty anxious in navigating all of the change and the fear I have of failing in any of those aspects of my life. But what I'm continuing to learn throughout my struggles and fears of the unknown is how I can best deal with it...and that is through surrendering all of my fears to God.

What helps to conquer the fears and difficulties in your life is to first recognize what is bothering you or making you feel uneasy. Second, is to pray, surrender those fears to God, and ask Him to give you the strength you need to move past the circumstances that are weighing you down. And third, is to understand and accept that God is in control and is taking a hold of the reins of your life, will never forsake you, and will allow His plans for your life to play out no matter what...and that's through knowing and trusting that our God is sovereign and will work everything out for our good.

Knowing that our God will always take care of us and has a very specific plan and purpose for each of our lives should give you so much peace. We don't have to wonder or fear for what tomorrow will bring because we can face whatever comes our way with His help.

God is within her, she will not fall. -Psalm 46:5

Keep in mind, however, that just because we decide to put our whole trust in our heavenly Father doesn't mean we won't have moments of weakness where we'll have doubts and fears creep in. Satan will always try to make us doubt God's power over our lives by planting sprouts of fear that can grow out of control if we don't stop it in its track. As soon as doubts and fears fill our mind, we must give it straight to God so that He can help us work through it before it becomes an even bigger issue, not allowing us to live our lives to the fullest, and potentially not allowing us to live out His purpose for our lives.

Always remember that you have a God who loves you immeasurably, who always wants the best for you, who has an amazing plan for your life already mapped out, and will help you with any difficulty, big or small, that you will ever face. Nothing is too big for our God.

I challenge you to strive to trust with your whole heart in the One who holds your future.

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. -Jeremiah 29:11

Here's how you can pray:

Lord, I know I am weak and shouldn't fear for my future, but it's so hard for me with all of the uncertainty. I know you hold my future and will make everything work together for my good. I apologize for ever doubting your goodness and will for my life. I present to You all of my fears and struggles. Please take this burden from me today. I don't want to live in fear any longer. Give me the strength I need to walk through any and all struggles that I face and that may ever come my way. And give me the courage to surrender my worries to you right away instead of trying to handle them on my own, because I know that You are stronger, You will always protect me, and I can't do it on my own. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Love Always,

Jessy Marie

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